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- [***][12/23/86][***]
- CUPERTINO, Ca. (NB) -- Call it a way to ease the tax burden or
- an opportunity for big gains, but John Sculley, Apple Computer
- chairman and CEO has sold 97% of his Apple stock holdings and
- reaped $4.3 million for them. Others joined Sculley in the
- sell-off. Albert Eisenstat, David Barram, Michael Muller,
- and Philip Schlein took advantage of the $42 high price for
- Apple shares in November, selling off huge blocks. Why this
- sudden divestiture? Apple's spokeswoman Barbara Krause
- would not comment, saying the matter was a personal, financial
- decision with the parties involved. However it's clear the
- executive officers are taking advantage of this last year for
- lucrative capital gains. Next year the tax laws will not be
- as kind.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SEATTLE, Wa. (NB) -- Attorneys for Microsoft Corporation have
- settled out-of-court with Seattle Computer Products, agreeing
- to pay the inventors of MS-DOS $925,000 in damages. The
- settlement came as the jury was deliberating the lawsuit,
- which Seattle Computer Products filed against Microsoft
- for alleged violations of a 1981 MS-DOS licensing agreement.
- The settlement is a far cry from the $60 million in damages
- Seattle had sought; the firm apparently lowered its sights
- when the judge ruled that it was only entitled to royalties
- on the versions of MS-DOS which run on Seattle's own machines
- marketed in 1981. Both sides say they are pleased the
- litigation is over.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SAN RAFAEL, Ca. (NB) -- Broderbund Software was one of six
- companies which sponsored a raid on a Canadian software
- distributor 12/19, claiming the Vancouver firm was illegally
- copying and selling versions of its products. Softsave
- Preview Club, operating under the auspices of being a software
- rental club, received a surprise visit from authorities who
- bore a court warrant. Witnesses say the staff "started throwing
- customer lists and credit card charge slips out the window."
- The U.S. software companies, operating through the Software
- Publishers Association, contends Softsave was selling illegal
- duplicates of their programs at $10 each.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca. (NB) -- President Fred Gibbons of Software
- Publishing Corporation, known for his firm's cut-rate programs,
- will take on Lotus by the end of March. Professional Plan,
- a Lotus 1-2-3 compatible integrated spreadsheet, will cost
- around $250, he says, and will offer several additional features
- not found in Lotus' best-selling software. Software Publishing
- joins several other firms making products similar to Lotus 1-2-3,
- many of which have received rave reviews but none of which have
- taken much business away from Lotus.
- CONTACT: Kim Domino, SOFTWARE PUBLISHING CORP., 415/962-8910 x227
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TORRANCE, Ca. (NB) -- Don't look for Ashton-Tate's promised Dbase
- Mac this month. Unexpected problems have set back the introduction
- date from the fourth quarter of '86 to the second quarter of '87.
- Ashton-Tate sources say the problem is speed, specifically the
- time it takes for the program to calculate in columnar mode.
- Ashton-Tate has amassed plenty of orders for the product, but
- dealers will have to sit on their hands and wait for programmers
- to come up with a final version.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- CHANDLER, Az. (NB) -- Atari has experienced its first staff
- defection since becoming a public company. Bryan Kerr, Atari's
- director of marketing, resigned to take a job with Blue Chip
- Electronics, the marketer of the Blue Chip PC. The 6-year
- Atari veteran is no stranger to the kind of selling tactic that
- Blue Chip seeks. As with Atari home computers, the $699 Blue
- Chip IBM PC compatible is being sold in mass merchandise outlets
- such as Toys R Us. Kerr becomes vice president of marketing
- and sales at Blue Chip.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- OAKLAND, Ca. (NB) -- What's the smallest, cheapest IBM-compatible
- on the market? It's probably the Baby Blue, a $399 system
- made up of an 8088-based CPU, one floppy drive, standard ports, and
- and RGB adaptor. The monitor costs another $100. It's
- for the kind of people who are satisfied to stay small, people
- who want IBM-compatible terminals. "It's a closed box," says
- Bill Russell, president of Baby Blue.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- BOISE, Id. (NB) -- PC WEEK reports that Hewlett Packard is working
- on an image scanner which will not only read photos and graphics
- directly into a PC, but will enlarge and reduce them to scale.
- This is an unprecedented advance for a machine as low-priced
- as the rumor mill contends--the scanner will be about $2,000.
- Expected to work in conjunction with the HP Laserjet, it will
- be targeted at desktop publishers and be advertised as part of
- a single-solution hardware package for those applications.
- PC WEEK puts the release date at February 1987.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SAN JOSE, Ca. (NB) -- The Software Services Association is
- keeping track of legislation that affects software developers and
- customers, and this month in its newsletter has listed the
- status of a number of pertinent bills in the California
- legislature.
- - Thanks to the passage of Assembly bill 2735 (Grey Market Goods)
- in California, computer retailers must identify grey market goods and
- post notices concerning lack of warranties, lack of replacement
- parts, etc.
- - Also enacted is a bill which makes it a misdemeanor to
- communicate a personal ID number, computer password, or other
- secret log-on identification on a bulletin board to avoid
- payment. Dead in the water was a bill to study VDT safety in
- the workplace.
- - A bill which died was the safety study of VDTs in the
- workplace.
- - Also dead is Assemblywoman Gloria Molina's bill to forbid
- "as is" sale of computer products. Molina wanted to hold
- retailers liable for their advertising claims about the capabilities
- and problem-solving abilities of computer systems. She was
- personally "burned" when she bought an expensive system that did
- not perform the task she needed.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- STANFORD, Ca. (NB) -- Some 80 surviving members of the country's
- most important computer club met 12/17 to lay their organization
- to rest. The 11-year-old Homebrew Computer Club, which once
- boasted as members Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, George Morrow,
- Adam Osborne, Lee Felsenstein, Jim Warren, and many other less-
- famous but equally significant people, was officially retired
- at a Stanford University auditorium. Homebrew was the club
- where the dream of accessible computing was shared and practiced.
- Members exchanged technology ideas freely, something seldom
- seen in secretive Silicon Valley today. Now that most of its
- members have gone on to see their dreams become reality, the
- club has outlived its usefulness. "We're not saying we're
- obsolete," says Lee Felsenstein, "We're saying that the meeting
- situation is obsolete." And so it goes.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- ELECTRONIC ARTS has published its first magazine. "Farther" is
- a quarterly devoted to presenting news, tips, and ideas on games
- produced through Electronic Arts. The editor is Computer Press
- Association member Nick Lavroff.
- free dinner 11 of 12 jurors who found him not guilty in a recent
- suit by two former employees. All but one were wined and dined
- at Trader Vic's, a posh San Fransisco restaurant, while Millard
- and his attorney gave speeches about their lives and their
- gratitude.
- HI TECH EXPRESSIONS and ATARI have teamed up to provide Atari
- 800 XL computers and Hi Tech CardWare and PartyWare software
- for 10 major children's hospitals around the country this
- holiday season. Good folks, they.
- SIGNETICS of Sunnyvale, Ca. has given 300 workers a sorry
- holiday by informing them that they will no longer be needed
- by the end of March. "The order rate for the fourth quarter
- isn't meeting our projections," says a company spokesman.
- GTEL, a subsidiary of General Telephone of California, has
- purchased Chronicle Videotex Inc, which operates Bay Area
- Teleguide, a teletext system that operates in public areas.
- No purchase price was put on the deal. Teleguide is said to
- be the largest public access videotex system in the nation.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- "Would you believe I can't even operate a computer?
- I'm not ashamed to say that. I want to operate one.
- I just don't have the time to learn."
- --Sheldon Adelson, "Mr. Comdex"
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- Intelligent Systems Corp. has decided to keep its Asher
- Technologies Inc. subsidiary and is mad-as-he** at co-founder and
- former president Wil Riner. Apparently, Wil had been trying for
- months to buy Asher from its corporate parent with help from,
- among others, California investors, employees, and managers. But
- it all fell through, and Riner was given his walking papers
- December 11. Last Thursday ISC attorney Jan Ozer won a temporary
- restraining order in the Fulton County Superior Court against Wil
- and Wil's son, Robert. ISC charges Robert had been talking to
- Asher customers about the Riners striking out on their own as
- distributors of competing products. Bruce Watson, another co-
- founder and until now executive vice-president, is now in charge
- at Asher with the title general manager. Ozer says it's business
- as usual.
- Meanwhile, ISC itself is still trying to go private as a Master
- Limited Partnership December 31. (Better tax treatment, they
- say.) After that, a sale of Asher would take just a directors'
- meeting and a fairness letter from investment bankers. General
- partners for the new ISC will be Leland Strange, Charles Muench,
- and Charles' wife Jeannette Muench.
- CONTACT: Jan Ozer, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, (404) 381-2900
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- The Muenchs, it seems, will be outside general partners. Last
- week Charles Muench detailed how he'll buy the Intecolor color
- terminal business for $13 million, if Intelligent Systems Corp.
- shareholders approve, on December 31. He says he'll sell all of
- the 800,000 ISC shares he and his family own for 2/3 of
- Intecolor. The rest of the $13 million will come from other
- managers, a few outside investors, and Intecolor employees.
- Muench said 156 of the 160 Intecolor employees will be buyers. He
- also gave Robert Snowden Jones of the "Atlanta Journal-
- Constitution" a parting shot for Leland Strange, who merged his
- Quadram Corp. into ISC back in 1982 (and whom his family will
- apparently out-vote as general partners in ISC MLP next year). "A
- lot of Intecolor's employees felt like stepchildren. Quadram,
- because it was a consumer company, got all the attention.
- Intecolor felt ignored even if that wasn't the case."
- CONTACT: Mary Ann Osborne, Intecolor (404)449-5961
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- Tandy has dropped its $29.95 CCR-82 Computer Recorder, a storage
- and program-loading tap recorder accessory to its Model 100 line.
- But they're keeping the CCR-81, a similar product with the
- additional feature of an AC adapter. The latter product also
- costs $54.95 -- the former $29.95, at distributor Marymac
- Industries of Katy, TX. (They've run out of the former. Wonder
- why?)
- Meanwhile, Tandy Claus is hoping you'll notice the shortages of
- its 1000-EX machines in stores this week and spring for a higher-
- end 3000 model, with its hard disk drive. To help, they've
- dropped the price, through Christmas, to $1,695.
- CONTACT: Fran McGehee, TANDY (817) 390-3300, MARYMAC (713) 392-
- 0747
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- Add AT&T and IBM to the list of companies cutting back
- employment. IBM, with 6,000 employees in the area, gave early
- retirement to at least a few dozen here, and maintained
- its principle of no layoffs. AT&T's 10% layoff early next year
- is its first *ever* and affects 16,000 employees in Georgia,
- 15,000 of them in metro Atlanta; expect 1,000-1,500 to get
- walking papers. (By the way, capital spending by all U.S.
- companies fell 2.6% in 1986.)
- Contact: Doug Monroe IBM (404) 238-3645; AT&T, Barry Johnson (404)
- 873-7446
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- Since Christmas is usually a slow news season, NEWSBYTES SOUTH
- hereby presents its best and worst computer news of the year.
- THE BEST -- Compaq's Deskpro 386, which sold well despite a lack
- of DOS......QMS' laser printers, which despite their imported engines
- turned Mobile into a high-tech center for the first time.....DCA's
- management led by Bert Nordin, who gave it possession of the very
- niche AT&T and IBM most covet.
- THE WORST -- Hayes, which still hasn't found a way to challenge
- cheaper 1200 and 2400 modems based on its own standard.....EDS,
- which lost H. Ross Perot and its soul under GM......Infomart and
- Inforum, the high-tech marts that are either half-empty (the
- former) or unbuilt (the latter).
- WORDS WE'D RATHER NOT HEAR AGAIN (but probably will) -- Desktop
- Publishing, PClone
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- JAMES A. CUMMINGS INC., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, which had sued Lotus
- over an alleged defect in Symphony, dropped the $250,000 lawsuit
- and stopped talking to the press, obeying a Lotus gag order. No
- money changed hands.
- GOOD SOFTWARE, Dallas, introduced an $89.95 word processor called
- Celebrity which includes a spelling checker, thesaurus,
- calculator and calendar, as well as mail-merge functions.
- DCA, Alpharetta, GA, announced that version 3.7 of its Crosstalk
- micro communications program will fix bugs which show up on
- machines running at 10 or 12 MHz, like those running on Intel
- 80386-based micros.
- MSA, Atlanta, announced Financial Controller, a mainframe
- software program that integrates other financial applications. It
- becomes available next month. Also, MSA announced its first
- application under DB2, IBM's relational database, will be a
- General Ledger program. A mid-year launch is planned.
- U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE WILLIAM O'KELLEY, Atlanta, is "nowhere near a
- decision," a source close to him says, on Microstuf vs.
- SoftKlone, docket 86-128. The decision, when it comes, will help
- determine how far copyright protection extends in the "look and
- feel" of microcomputer software products.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- "Manufactured goods are the key variable in our trade imbalance.
- They represent 80% of U.S. imports and exports. It is a fallacy
- to believe that the U.S. standard of living will be protected by
- service industries."
- --Joseph A. Boyd
- chairman
- Harris Corp.
- Melbourne, FL
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- AT&T last week said it would lay off 27,400
- employees and take a giant $3.2 billion charge against earnings
- in 1986. Last summer, Ma Bell announced elimination of 24,000
- jobs. AT&T has had major difficulties coping with the brave new
- world of deregulation. When set free (by judicial edict) of its
- monopoly position as the nation's phone company, AT&T planned to
- jump into computers. That's turned out to be a lot more difficult
- than AT&T thought, a key reason why the company has had to go
- through the latest bloodletting, according to analysts. AT&T now
- says it will concentrate on networking and telecommunications,
- not computers.
- AT&T last week also confirmed that it has been negotiating with
- General Motors to buy Electronic Data Systems, the GM data
- processing subsidiary founded by H. Ross Perot. GM had been
- denying the rumors. No further details here, but look for GM to
- spin off EDS sometime in the new year.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- International Business Machines Corp. last week
- said that 10,000 of its domestic employees have taken early
- retirement. That's about twice the number IBM figured would opt for
- an early out when the company announced the move this fall. IBM
- says the early retirement program could cost the company $250
- million pre-tax to fund the retirements. But analysts guess that
- the move will save IBM more than $500 million a year in personnel
- costs. IBM added that it is also offering the early retirement to
- several of its international operations.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- STAMFORD, Conn. (NB) -- Iomega Corp., maker of the unique
- Bernoulli Box, announced last week that it will lay off 140
- workers, or about 11 percent of its workforce. The disk drive
- maker will also take a fourth charge charge against income of
- $250,000. The company said that revenues will be up for the
- quarter, but a price increase earlier in the year will contribute
- to a decline in profits. In 1985, the company earned $5.1 million
- on sales of $33.5 million.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- Mona Lisa's enigmatic gaze is really a self-
- portrait of artist Leonardo da Vinci, says Bell Labs computer
- artist Lillian Schwartz. Schwartz used a computer to juxtapose
- the Mona Lisa portrait with a da Vinci self-portrait for an
- article in the January issue of ART & ANTIQUES magazine.
- According to Schwartz, the Mona Lisa smile is simply a mirror
- image of Leonardo's mouth. Schwartz is an artist-in-residence at
- AT&T's Bell Labs. She has won both an Emmy and an Oscar for her
- work with computer graphics, the magazine said. About seven weeks
- ago, Schwartz used a computer to reverse a chalk self-portrait of
- Leonardo and scale it to the same size as the Mona Lisa painting
- by equalizing the distances between the centers of the eye
- pupils. The result: a mirror image. But much of the rest of the
- art world is scoffing at the Schwartz hypothesis. "Misuse of
- pseudoscientific evidence," sniffs James Beck, art history
- chairman at Columbia University.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- HARRISBURG, Pa. (NB) -- Genesis Data Systems has released its
- Screen Master program aimed at programmers who want to create
- slick-looking screens, demos, prototypes and tutorials. The
- $99.95 program is aimed directly at Dan Bricklin's Demo Program.
- Genesis says Bricklin's human interface is "unnecessarily
- obnoxious," requiring the constant use of hexadecimal numbers,
- and too many steps to accomplish tasks. Screen Master remedies
- this. On the other hand, Genesis acknowledges that its software
- does not have sound generation, while Bricklin's does. "It appears
- from a standpoint of design that Mr. Bricklin's intent coincided
- fairly closely with our own," said Elise Kepler of Genesis. "Both
- packages are capable of producing similar results in the form of
- eye-catching, effective and visually stimulating demos, which can
- be self-running or user-interactive."
- CONTACT: GENESIS DATA SYSTEMS, 5403 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg,
- Pa., 17112, 717-652-1200.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (NB) -- James A. Cummings Inc. has dropped its
- $250,000 lawsuit against Lotus Development Corp. which alleged
- that a bug in Symphony caused the Florida contractor to make an
- erroneous bid on a job. According to Lotus, there was no error in
- the spreadsheet program. Instead, a Cummings employee erred by
- making an assumption about how the spreadsheet recalculates data.
- Had the employee consulted the manual, the error would have been
- avoided, said Lotus officials. Cummings dropped the suit and
- collected no payment of any kind from Lotus. Jim Manzi, Lotus
- president and chairman, said the case has ended "with the
- complete vindication of both Symphony and Lotus."
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- ROCKVILLE, Md. (NB) -- MBI Business Centers Inc. has won the
- contract to operate three retail-like federal stores where
- federal agencies can buy microcomputer hardware, software, and
- supplies. The coveted three-year contract is worth an estimated
- $50 million to $75 million a year. MBI was the previous
- contractor for the General Services Administration contract. That
- three-year contract lapsed last June. GSA tried to keep the
- stores open, with MBI running them, while it was bidding out the
- new contract. But MBI competitor and spurned suitor Businessland
- Inc. protested to the GSA Board of Contract Appeals. The board
- agreed with Businessland, and GSA shut the stores down in July.
- GSA says the stores will reopen in February. But this may not be
- the last battle in this long, nasty war. Look for Businessland or
- another unsuccessful bidder to protest the award to MBI.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- LAWRENCEVILLE, N.J. (NB) -- College students using computers
- to write their papers get better grades, according to a survey of
- Rider College students. The student researchers who did the
- survey said papers written on computers are neater and better
- organized than word produced on conventional typewriters.
- EAST CHATHAM, N.Y. (NB) -- A teenage honor student accused of
- killing his family may have planned the slayings on a personal
- computer, according to the Albany TIMES UNION. The newspaper says
- police believe Wiley Gates may have planned the murders of his
- father, brother, cousin, and his father's live-in girlfriend,
- while playing a fantasy game on his computer. The police are now
- reviewing a stack of floppy disks, according to the paper.
- NORWALK, Conn. (NB) -- Norden Systems, a division of United
- Technologies, has named Edwin Decker its new president. Decker,
- 58, was corporate vice president of Unisys Corp. and president of
- the Sperry defense products group.
- WASHINGTON (NB) -- Look for global electronic mail
- interconnections in five years, says the Electronic Mail
- Association. The Washington trade group says trade associations
- will become big users of E-mail, although the idea has so far
- been slow to catch on. But as younger, computer adept people move
- up the corporate ladder, E-mail will catch on.
- PITTSBURGH (NB) -- Westinghouse Electric Corp. has ordered
- 300 3.5 inch floppy disk drive system from Manzana Microsystems,
- Inc., of Goleta, Calif. The Pittsburgh-based firm will use the
- the external drives to allow sales personnel to shift data
- between Data General One/Model 2 laptops to IBM personal
- computers located in field sales offices.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SIDCUP, KENT (NB) -- Ahead of the pack (and even North America),
- Atari's re-engineered 520ST has snuck into the UK almost unnoticed.
- Flipping onto NEWSBYTES UK's doormat this week was a mailshot from
- SILICA SHOP, one of the UK's top Atari dealers, announcing that a
- new version of the ST, the 520STFM, would be available on demand
- from the 12th of December.
- Costing 450 pounds ($650), the 520STFM bears a strong similarity to
- the 1040 ST in that its disc drive is mounted integrally to the
- cpu/keyboard case. Also innovative for the ST is the inclusion of
- an onboard power supply. Unlike previous STs there is now only one
- power plug required - something Commodore representatives always
- crooned that the Amiga had over the ST - after all, who wants a load
- of spaghetti wiring on their desk?
- Silica Shop appears to have taken the complete production run of the
- STFM from Atari's Taiwanese production line and most other dealers
- in the UK, as is the case with the US, will have to wait until mid
- to late January for their supplies.
- The existing 520ST will, according to Silica Shop's Tony Dean,
- continue to be available for those who are either left-handed, or
- who want a 1Mb disc drive for their machine.
- Silica isn't resting on its laurels either. Already the firm is
- offering a 512K upgrade to the machine for an additional 100 pounds.
- That makes the expanded 520STFM a dead ringer for the 1040 *and*
- you get a TV modulator into the bargain too. NEWSBYTES UK thinks
- that Silica won't be selling too many 1040's in future...
- CONTACT: SILICA SHOP, 1-4 The Mews, Hatherley Road,
- Sidcup, Kent, DA14 4DX.
- Tel: 01-309-1111
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- LONDON (NB) -- The rumours we mentioned in NEWSBYTES UK about a
- price slash for the 520ST appear to be firming up. The latest
- edition of COMPUTER TRADE WEEKLY leads with the headline "Atari set
- to chop prices," although subsequent reading of the text reveals
- little other than a repetition of the probable cut to #199 plus tax
- (currently 15%) for the base 520 cpu and keyboard we mentioned a
- while back.
- The current price of the 520ST in the UK is around the 345 pounds
- mark including tax, although CTW does say that "an official
- statement is due either this week or just after Christmas... Atari
- is acting with its customary caginess on the matter."
- CONTACT: COMPUTER TRADE WEEKLY, Bessemer Drive, Stevenage, Herts.
- Tel: 0438-316561.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- LONDON (NB) -- Taking a leaf out of NEWSBYTES UK's books, the
- editorial staff of MICROSCOPE (a UK trade weekly) have taken to
- reading the San Francisco Examiner. In true transatlantic style,
- NEWSBYTES UK is now going to bounce the SFE's rumours back across
- the Atlantic for readers consumption.
- According to the SFE (and MICROSCOPE), Apple will drop the 512K Mac
- in '87. In its place will be the Mac Plus entry level machine. The
- price will, says the SFE, be around the $1,795 mark.
- In addition to this, Apple reputedly has a new Mac in the offing.
- Code-named Aladdin, the machine comes with a 68020 cpu, and twin
- 1.6Mb floppies driving a slightly larger Mac screen. MICROSCOPE
- reckons that Apple will unveil the Aladdin at the MacWorld Expo in
- the US this coming January with a price tag of $2,795.
- Also on the cards is the Paris, the new open Mac architecture
- machine. Scheduled for an April launch, MICROSCOPE and the SFE
- claim that three versions of the machine are in the offing. "The
- initial machine is a unit that looks like an AT from a distance with
- a separate cpu, keyboard and screen," says the magazine.
- The entry-level Paris will be a twin floppied (1.6Mb each) unit with
- eight expansion slots and price in at $3,995. Next on up is the
- Paris workstation. This machine has an 8.5 by 11 inch full page
- screen and 40Mb hard disc storage to round off the $5,495 price tag.
- Topping the range will be a similar-specification machine with (wait
- for it) a 17 inch *colour* screen. Don't go placing your orders for
- the colour Mac just yet, though, as MICROSCOPE says the $6,495
- machine won't hit the streets until the second quarter of '87 and,
- as we all know, a lot can happen in six months!
- CONTACT: MICROSCOPE, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P 1DE.
- Tel: 01-580-0544
- Sourcemail: BDF843.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SHEFFIELD (NB) -- After a couple of months waiting, the Tandy Model
- 102 finally showed up at our local Tandy/Radio Shack store last
- week. Armed with nothing more than a Visa credit card, NEWSBYTES UK
- sallied forth and laid out 350 pounds ($500) for one and, after a
- few minutes spent struggling with the plastic wrapping, can report
- it to be a really neat machine.
- Essentially a revamped Model 100, the UK version of the 102 has a
- CCITT (European tone) 300 baud modem - something that Euro-versions
- of the Model 100 never had. The bad news is (a) the modem cables
- seem to be in short supply, (b) the 8K memory expansion chips appear
- to be different from the original Model 100 (bad news for third
- party RAM expansion purchasers, and (c) the modem is unapproved for
- use within the UK.
- Still, it's a whole light lighter and thinner than the old Model
- 100. But the keyboard? Yeuch! The keys seem a whole lot more
- tinny than on the 100 although with a bit of wear they'll bed in.
- NEWSBYTES UK is being drafted on the Model 102 this week before
- uploading to a PC compatible for spellchecking, so if any typos do
- creep through, our apologies in advance!
- CONTACT: TANDY UK LTD, Bilston Road, Wednesbury,
- West Midlands, WS10 7JN.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- BRENTWOOD (NB) -- Following the success of the budget PC1512 in the
- UK, Amstrad look set to tackle the US market with their PC
- compatible in January.
- To be unveiled at the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show on January
- 8th, the PC1512 will be distributed in the US via Dallas-based
- computer and office equipment supplier Vidco, who have been
- appointed sole US distributor for the machine. Vidco must have been
- impressed with the machine - first reports from Alan Sugar say that
- they're paying upfront for the machines.
- The New Year assault on the US by Amstrad comes after previous
- attempts to market their CPC464 and 6128 machines on the other side
- of the pond. More recently, the firm started shipping the Z80-based
- PCW word processor machine to the US via Sears Roebuck. Latest
- reports indicate that the original $799 price of the 256K machine
- has fallen to $599.
- That price isn't bad for a machine which comes complete with
- integral disc drive, monitor and printer. The population of the US
- must think so too as, according to Amstrad, the machine is starting
- to sell well with sales of $23.8m clocked up so far this year.
- Essex, CM14 4EE.
- Tel: Brentwood (0277) 230222.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SLOUGH (NB) -- Hard on the heels of the Canadian launch of the PC40,
- Commodore have seen fit to launch the AT compatible machine here in
- the UK as well.
- The PC40 runs at 6 and 10Mhz and comes complete with 1Mb of RAM,
- single 1.2Mb AT-style drive and 20Mb hard disc. Don't expect too
- many surprises over the UK price though - at 2,500 pounds ($3,500)
- it isn't the sort of bargain that NEWSBYTES UK would write home
- about.
- CONTACT: COMMODORE UK, Babbage House, 53/69 King Street,
- Maidenhead, SL6 1DH
- Tel: 0628-75712.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- SHEFFIELD (NB) -- NEWSBYTES UK wishes all its readers, whereever
- they are in the world, a very happy Christmas and prosperous New
- Year. Have fun and see you all next week.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Fujitsu has decided to adopt an IBM PC/AT-
- compatible micro, the Zenith Z248, for its point-of-sale
- systems sold in the U.S. Fujitsu's new POS system uses the
- Fujitsu-8700 series as the main computer and the Z248 as a
- terminal computer. The system will be released early next year.
- So far, Fujitsu has sold 30,000 personal computers as part of
- its current POS systems in the U.S. If luck favors Zenith, a
- large number of Z248s will be shipped to Fujitsu. Zenith has
- been crossing its fingers, hoping that Fujitsu's POS systems
- are a big success.
- CONTACT: Fujitsu, 1-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Fujitsu has officially denied published reports
- that detail the terms of its settlement of a copyright infringement
- suit brought by IBM. Annoyed by what it calls the exaggerated
- reporting of the Japanese news media last week, Fujitsu
- says it wants to set the record straight. According to a Fujitsu
- spokesman, IBM has not been asking Fujitsu for several billion
- dollars as the penalty fee for breaking the two firms'
- confidential agreement. IBM has not been scrutinizing Fujitsu's
- software either, he says. He also stated that Fujitsu will not
- cause any problems for its customers in the future. Humm...
- Meanwhile, there was a seasonal reshuffle of the employees and
- the divisions in Fujitsu on 12/21. With this reshuffle, the
- company has beefed up its software development and the CAI
- departments. Also, Fujitsu aims at boosting the sales of home
- electronics products.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOYKO (NB) -- Apple Japan released (12/15) a new version of the
- operating system for Japanese MAC PLUS KANJI TALK. With this
- upgrade, the Kana-Kanji conversion speed on "Kanji Talk ver 1.1"
- becomes almost twice as fast as that on the ver 1.0. For the
- users of the current version, an upgrade is available for US$12.50
- or 2,000 yen.
- CONTACT: Apple Japan, 11F Akasaka-Twintower Bldg., 2-17 Akasaka,
- Minato-ku, Tokyo 107 (03-582-9181 Ms. Kawamoto)
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Toshiba has signed a VAR agreement with Japan's
- major conglomerate Mitsubishi Shoji, concerning the sales of
- Toshiba's laptop J3100. With this agreement, Mitsubishi Shoji
- plans to rewrite the IBM 5550 programs for J3100 and will
- bundle them with this laptop for sales in Japan. It must be
- great news for Toshiba, since J3100 will be sold through the huge
- sales channels of Mitsubishi Group.
- CONTACT: Toshiba, 1-1-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Ashton-Tate Japan started marketing dBASE III for
- Toshiba's laptop J3100 on 12/17. The price is US$1,675. The
- program for NEC's laptop PC98LT is also expected to be released
- by the end of this month.
- Meanwhile, Ashton-Tate has opened an office in Hong Kong. It
- is expected to be the company's strategic base in Southeast
- Asia. Another important role of this office is to keep an eye on
- the software piracy in that region, says the press release.
- CONTACT: Ashton-Tate Japan, 2-13-2 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku,
- Tokyo 107 (03-479-7621 Mr. Masanori Hori)
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Hitachi has started developing a 32-bit AI
- processor "AI32." This single chip processor runs SmallTalk80
- programs and supports Prolog and LISP. The details have not
- been reported yet. Hitachi plans to complete the AI32 design
- by the end of next year. The shipment will be in 1988.
- CONTACT: Hitachi, 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100
- (03-258-2057 PR. Dept.)
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- ShinNippon-Kohan Publishing (Tokyo) plans to
- publish JAPAN AI NEWSLETTER in the U.S. in March. The monthly
- English-language newsletter covers the AI activities, new
- products, AI projects, and publications for AI in Japan. Lots of
- AI authorities are expected to write articles for this
- periodical. The annual subscription fee is around US$300.
- CONTACT: ShinNippon-Kohan Publishing Co., Shindaiso Bldg.,
- 2-10-7 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (03-462-2801)
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- <<< SUSHI BYTES >>>
- TOKYO (NB) -- Computerland Japan has just opened its 32nd
- franchise store in Tokyo. The newly opened Computerland Iikura
- is located at: 1-9 Azabudai, Minato-ku (Phone: 03-582-6061)
- CHIBA (NB) -- NMB Semiconductor, who has been supplying its 256K
- DRAM for Compaq's DeskPro386, will increase the chip's shipment
- volume from 250,000 sets per month to 700,000 per month. This
- Chiba-based Japanese manufacturer has been providing 256K DRAMs
- for Compaq since this past September.
- TOKYO (NB) -- NTT (Japan's Telegraph and Telephone Corp.)
- officially announced (12/17) its telecom-oriented personal
- computer "SS/21." The system has a 10" monitor, a telephone, a
- modem, a Japanese word processor, and a text/graphic telecom
- program. The price is US$1,975. SS/21 measures 35.6 x 27.7 x
- 34.6 cm.
- TOKYO (NB) -- Mitsubishi Electric has decided to get ideas from
- college students. The company will backup the student group
- called "Mel-Brains" in order to get various hints for hightech
- products of the future.
- MARKHAM, ONT. (NB) -- IBM Canada Ltd. is following the lead of
- its parent company by introducing early retirement incentives for
- its 12,000 employees. The company last week introduced to Canada
- retirement incentives that add five years of service and five
- years of age to each retiring employee's benefits. Similar plans
- have been introduced in the U.S., France, Britain and the
- Netherlands.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TORONTO (NB) -- Toronto will be the site in April of Unix
- 87/etc., the second annual conference and trade show sponsored by
- usr/group/cdn, the national Unix users' group. At a pre-
- Christmas reception last week, the association announced that
- display space on the main show floor is already sold out, and
- space is filling fast in a "Software Village Market" area
- reserved for smaller value-added resellers (VARs). The
- conference will include as keynote speakers IBM Fellow Dr. Frank
- King; Roderick M. Bryden, chairman and CEO of SHL Systemhouse
- Ltd. of Ottawa; and Bill Joy, founder and vice-president of Sun
- Microsystems.
- usr/group/cdn also announced the addition of some new corporate
- sponsors: IBM Canada Ltd., Unisys, Convergent Technologies Inc.,
- Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc., Xios Systems Corp., Resolve
- Logic Systems Inc. and Computer Data magazine. They join AT&T
- Canada and NCR Canada in providing corporate support for the
- users' organization.
- CONTACT: USR/GROUP/CDN, 185 Heward Ave., Toronto, ON M4M 2T6
- (416) 465-1699
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- MARKHAM, ONT. (NB) -- John Thompson, president of IBM Canada Ltd.
- since 1985, has been named to the additional post of chief
- executive officer. He replaces Lorne Lodge, who has been CEO of
- the company for 14 years and chairman for 10 and is also a former
- president of the company. Lodge will continue as chairman of IBM
- Canada and as a member of the senior executive committee.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- MISSISSAUGA, ONT. (NB) -- Northern Telecom Ltd. is expecting net
- income for 1986 to compare favorably with 1985's figure of
- $376.86 million. Even though earnings in the first nine months
- of this year were down 13 percent from $209 million to $181
- million, the company is expecting its fourth quarter to be
- sufficiently better than last year's that the year as a whole
- will come out ahead. (Northern Telecom, although it is Canadian-
- owned, reports its financial results in U.S. dollars.)
- Meanwhile Gandalf Technologies Inc. of Ottawa saw net income for
- the three months ended Nov. 1 more than triple from C$454,000 to
- C$1,426,000. The company said higher revenues are now beginning
- to show up in net income, and expects the higher earnings to
- continue.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- MARKHAM, ONT. (NB) -- Microcomputer maker Semi-Tech
- Microelectronics Inc. has filed a final prospectus in four
- provinces for a stock offering of up to 20 million units at $1
- each. Each unit is to consist of a common share, an option to
- purchase another share, and a share-purchase tax credit.
- Proceeds are to be used to finance development of a
- supermicrocomputer for its contract with Shenzhen Electronics
- Group of China, to retire all the company's debt and to increase
- working capital. Semi-Tech manufactures IBM-compatible personal
- computers.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- TORONTO (NB) -- Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd. has told car
- dealers they should buy software from MAI Canada, Ltd. to help
- them run their dealerships. The recommended software, which
- handles finance, insurance and related post-sales functions, was
- developed by Profitware Computer Corp., a U.S. software house
- affiliated with MAI. It runs on IBM and compatible personal
- computers. Ford is also recommending MAI's Automotive Payroll
- System, a module of the company's Computerized Automotive
- Management System, to dealers.
- MAI Canada Ltd. is a division of Bell Atlantic Corp. that sells
- computer hardware and software across Canada, concentrating on a
- handful of vertical markets.
- CONTACT: Dan Remington, MAI CANADA LTD., 140 Allstate Parkway,
- Unionville, Ont. L3R 4Y8, (416) 486-8053
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- MONTREAL (NB) -- Canadian Satellite Communications Inc., a
- provider of satellite communications services to cable television
- companies, is branching out into business communications services
- using the satellite channels it rents from Telesat Canada.
- Cancom will be in direct competition with Telesat, offering a
- satellite communications service called Cancom Satlink. Telesat
- offers a similar service called Anikom 100, using the same Anik
- communications satellites. Cancom is Telesat's second-largest
- customer. According to Cancom, recent changes in federal
- telecommunications regulation make the offering possible.
- [***][12/23/86][***]
- -- Software house Sydney Development Corp. of Vancouver has
- reported a loss of C$3.6 million for the six months ended Sept.
- 30, despite growth in revenue to C$8.6 million from C$6.3 million
- in the same period a year earlier. The loss in the same period
- last year was C$1.9 million.
- -- The Canadian Workplace Automation Research Centre in Laval,
- Que. has installed four Datapoint Minx workstations, which will
- be used for videoconferencing at the centre and with the federal
- Department of Communications in Ottawa.
- -- Bell Canada has to reduce its long-distance telephone rates
- January 1, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications
- Commission has ruled. The regulatory body last week turned down
- a Bell appeal of a ruling it made in October, clearing the way
- for long-distance rates to drop an average of 20 percent in
- Ontario and Quebec at the end of next week. A C$206-million
- rebate to customers for past overcharging is still due to be
- appealed in February.
- -- The first computer that Control Data Canada Ltd. designed and
- built in this country, a Cyber 170, has been retired from active
- duty and will be placed in the National Museum of Science and
- Technology in Ottawa. The system was built in 1975.
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